2020-6-28 · wan口的拨号有好几种方式,SLAAC, stateless DHCPv6, stateful DHCPv6, DHCPv6-PD,这些请求方式在odhcpv6里面都可以配置。1. odhcp6c客户端启动过程开启openwrt .config配置CONFIG_PACKAGE_odhcp6c=yCONFIG_PACKAGE_odhcp6c_ext

May 08, 2008 · DD-WRT is getting it's WAN IP address, DNS, and gateway (all the same as before, I'm on a static IP), yet i can't access the internet. It's as though it just isn't routing from the LAN<->WAN. BS please consider the following: When the alternate routing table (table 10) for OpenVPN PBR is created, it only has a default route to the internet. That all works fine when the destination lies on the internet. The problem comes when someone has additional local routes or even static routes defined in the main/default routing table. Oct 04, 2017 · How to configure your DD-WRT router to use a smart DNS proxy. The advantage to configuring your router to use smart DNS is you will no longer need to configure each individual device on your internal network. As long as all those devices are connected to the same router, configuring it to send DNS queries to the smart DNS servers will cover you. Creating a static route in the dlink setup: Destination network Destination netmask Gateway After this I could ping devices from 192.168.0.x on 192.168.1.x, but I wasn't able to pick up any players or cast to any speakers.

DD-WRT (build 17798) - Routing Control Panel Setup Basic Setup DDNS MAC Address Clone Advanced Routing Networking EoIP Tunnel Wireless Services Security Access Restrictions NAT / QoS Administration Status Advanced Routing Operating Mode Operating Mode Gateway BGP RIP2 Router OSPF Router vtysh OSPF BGP RIP router OLSR Router Router --> . . .

Setup via DD-WRT Script . 1. In the DD-WRT Administrative Interface, navigate to Setup > Basic Setup. Under Network Address Server Settings (DHCP), set these NordVPN DNS addresses: Static DNS 1 = Static DNS 2 = Static DNS 3 = (default) Use DNSMasq for DHCP = Checked Use DNSMasq for DNS = Checked DHCP OpenVPN on DD-WRT Router - Knowledgebase - vpn.ac Mandatory step: DD-WRT doesn't assign the VPN provided DNS resolvers so you must setup static 3rd party DNS resolvers in general settings. - Open Setup > Basic Setup - Enter the DNS servers as Static DNS. It is recommended to use 3:,,, or other 3rd party resolvers (NEVER your main router or your ISP's DNS). DD-WRT tricks: dedicated wireless virtual Access Point for

It takes 10 minutes to secure a DD-WRT wi-fi router. These are a security professional's recommended DD-WRT settings, including DD-WRT wireless settings. Follow these steps and I can almost guarantee you'll have the most secure network on your block, as well …

DD-WRT Routing internet problem - OpenVPN Support Forum 2017-3-9 How to setup OpenVPN on DD-WRT Manually (Newer …