Create a folder. Files you want synced to Dropbox will go in here. $ mkdir ~/Private Run the following and enter a password when asked: $ encfs ~/Dropbox/Encrypted ~/Private Your secure folder is ready for use; creating any file inside ~/Private will automatically encrypt it into ~/Dropbox/Encrypted, which will then be synced to your cloud storage.

How to encrypt Dropbox folder - Sookasa Encrypted Dropbox folders let you reliably store sensitive information without fear of violating the law or inadvertently divulging personal information. How do you encrypt a Dropbox folder? You have a couple of different options. You can encrypt the entire drive. You can also manually encrypt your files before putting them on Dropbox. 6 Great Tools to Encrypt Your Dropbox Files & Folders Boxcryptor. Boxcryptor is an easy-to-use encryption software optimized for different cloud storage … Dropbox File Encryption With BoxCryptor

Viivo To Easily Encrypt and Secure Your Cloud Data in Dropbox

3. Once the account is created and signed in, Viivo will create a folder called Viivo under user profile, just like Dropbox and SkyDrive, and automatically associate another folder called Viivo-Encrypted that saves the encrypted version of everything stored in original Viivo folder, with .viivo extension name. See Figure 1 and two below. How to Share Files Securely Online: Dropbox, Firefox Send Dropbox gives you 2 GB of cloud storage for free, with paid plans starting at $12 a month for 2 TB of storage. Besides enabling file-sharing across the web, it keeps your files and folders synced Dropbox - ArchWiki

Encrypt your Dropbox | Blog

How to Encrypt your Dropbox folder - Alaska Computer Guy Apr 01, 2020 Sync Encrypted Files with Dropbox and SecretSync