Internet Complaints – FCC Complaints

The FCC's Restoring Internet Freedom Order, which took effect on June 11, 2018, provides a framework for protecting an open Internet while paving the way for better, faster and cheaper Internet access for consumers. It replaces unnecessary, heavy-handed regulations that were developed way back in 1934 with strong consumer protections, increased transparency, and common-sense rules that will promote investment and broadband deployment. The FCC Should Not Give Broadband Providers the Keys to Your Internet Freedom But Wait, There's More Setting the Record Straight on Open Internet Comments Looking for the Best Approach to Preserve the Open Internet Order will enact strong, sustainable rules grounded in multiple sources of legal authority to protect the Open Internet and ensure that Americans reap the economic, social, and civic benefits of an Open Internet today and into the future. DA/FCC #: FCC-15-24; Docket/RM: 14-28; FCC Record Citation: 30 FCC Rcd 5601 (7) Ars Technica explains that the Open Internet Order will likely give the FCC jurisdiction over agreements between "edge providers" and ISPs in the same way that it will have jurisdiction over ISP/consumer relationships. North Texas Broadband, LLC Cited for Open Internet Violation. MicroTek- Solutions, LLC Cited for Open Internet Violation. Signal, Inc Admonished for Open Internet Violation

Like the FCC’s National Broadband Plan task force identified seven critical gaps in the path to the future of universal broadband, the FCC should resolve six identified “critical gaps” in the FCC’s proposed Open Internet regulations before moving forward to regulate the Internet for the first time -- by dictating Internet access pricing, terms and conditions or dictating what services

Open Internet - AT&T The current FCC is now working to repeal this framework and has opened a proceeding to seek comment on what authority the FCC has over the internet and what type of rules should be adopted. But, any FCC Order will be subject to the same old FCC and litigation merry-go-round that has recurred for over a … Comcast Corp. v. FCC - Wikipedia

FCC Open Internet Order 2010 - Wikipedia

A record number of responses were received by the FCC regarding the "Open Internet." On the Commission's blog, Special Counsel for External Affairs/Office of the Chairman GIGI B. SOHN writes, "It fcc open internet. The FCC has spent the past nine months dancing around key issues, trying to find a way to please the big carriers and their in-house politicians, rather than trying to be forthright with the correct policy that would most benefit the economy. Jan 11, 2010 · In the meantime, last fall the new FCC began doing what the previous FCC should have done in the first place — FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski asked the agency to start a proceeding to adopt rules to "preserve an open Internet" that are based, in significant part, on the FCC’s 2005 Internet Policy Statement.