Well by specifying the table (-t), and then delete (-D) followed by the chain (prerouting) and the rulenumber (7) iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING 7. And that’s it, no magic firewalld commands needed ! Linux SysAdmin. Alejandro B.

Jan 28, 2020 How to check PREROUTING list from iptable in linux PREROUTING is a phase, NAT is table, the relation is PREROUTING has a NAT table of chains, and chain has rules. The reason you need to add -t nat is As every other iptables command, it applies to the specified table (filter is the default), refer to linux.die.net/man/8/iptables – iloahz Jul 27 '19 at 10:52 iptables Syntax | iptables: The Linux Firewall The IP address of the outgoing interface is used automatically. The general syntax for MASQUERADE is as follows: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING --out-interface \ -j MASQUERADE [--to-ports [-]] The source port can be mapped to a specific range of source ports on the router. Forward a TCP port to another IP or port using NAT with

% nft add rule inet nat prerouting dnat ip to % nft add rule inet nat prerouting dnat ip6 to feed::c0fe Incompatibilities You cannot use iptables and nft to perform NAT at the same time before kernel 4.18.

Well by specifying the table (-t), and then delete (-D) followed by the chain (prerouting) and the rulenumber (7) iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING 7. And that’s it, no magic firewalld commands needed ! Linux SysAdmin. Alejandro B.

Aug 10, 2011

Remove iptables PREROUTING NAT rule – SvennD Well by specifying the table (-t), and then delete (-D) followed by the chain (prerouting) and the rulenumber (7) iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING 7. And that’s it, no magic firewalld commands needed ! Linux SysAdmin. Alejandro B.