Some further arguments against using NAT as a default FW is that, although most people assumes NATs filter all incoming packets to a NATted host like a stateful FW does (i.e. all but the ones coming from exactly the same IP address and port you are communicating with, a.k.a. Address and Port-Dependent Filtering), NAT filtering may be different.

As for port forwarding and being too lazy to do it, on my Xbox 360 setup I only needed to forward one port to allow full access to "Xbox Live" without any NAT limitations (on the most secure setting) - despite the Xbox online help stating that you need to open/forward four port numbers. Migrating from a NAT instance. If you're already using a NAT instance, you can replace it with a NAT gateway. To do this, you can create a NAT gateway in the same subnet as your NAT instance, and then replace the existing route in your route table that points to the NAT instance with a route that points to the NAT gateway. Some NAT routers provide for extensive filtering and traffic logging. Filtering allows your company to control what type of sites employees visit on the Web, preventing them from viewing questionable material. You can use traffic logging to create a log file of what sites are visited and generate various reports from it. If your router or computer is using NAT (Network Address Translation) or a firewall, these features might close SIP and RTP ports so that packets never reach your phone. When the proper ports are not forwarded or opened, your calls could drop altogether or fail to initiate.

Jul 16, 2020 · NAT Filtering feature on there routers seems to help with this multiple console NAT issue as a buddy of mine has one of there PAR NAT routers and said that he was getting Moderate NAT on a 2nd console however once he changed the NAT Filtering setting, he now gets OPEN NAT across the board. And yes this is on a newer generation router.

Some further arguments against using NAT as a default FW is that, although most people assumes NATs filter all incoming packets to a NATted host like a stateful FW does (i.e. all but the ones coming from exactly the same IP address and port you are communicating with, a.k.a. Address and Port-Dependent Filtering), NAT filtering may be different. NAT is the protection itself, not the secure vs. open format, based on what Jimbo said. You are as secure as you were before changing the mode. After going through the settings on the router, I discovered a note in the help item on NAT Filtering saying that Secured NAT filtering may cause some "point-to-point applications" to not work properly. On a hunch, I switched NAT Filtering to Open, and instantly all my local network services became available. Nov 28, 2016 · NAT gets around this problem by effectively making all the computers on your LAN appear as a single IP. See the online article What is NAT (Network Address Translation)? Static content filtering: Static content filtering blocks browser access matching against keywords in the Web site's address (but not on the Web page's content).

Jul 31, 2018 · On a surface level, users with Open NAT will usually see the best experience on Xbox Live. While getting your NAT open is ultimately the end goal for the best connectivity, this has proven to be

NAT Filtering – Setting your NAT filtering to open may help you achieve an open NAT but is less secure. If you set this from Secured to open you may be more vulnerable to an attack, but you will likely also achieve an open NAT. If you change this option, be sure your computers are running windows firewall and are up to date.