To export VPN configuration in an easy manner there is a package that can help us. In pfSense, go to System - Package Manager - Available Packages. Find the package called openvpn-client-export and hit the install button, then confirm. Exporting user configuration. Go to VPN - OpenVPN and then click the Client Export tab.

How to setup OpenVPN (pFSense version) on client PC | IT Blog I already covered OpenVPN configuration on pFSense server, and you can read more about it here – This pfSense set static IP for a specific OpenVPN client. - WP Jul 26, 2018 OpenVPN pfSense 2.4 Setup in simple steps - LinuxBots

openVPN client no internet - pfSense - Spiceworks

Apr 19, 2017

Ultimate pfSense OpenVPN Guide - Tech Help Guides

Setup Remote VPN Access Using PfSense and OpenVPN Mar 15, 2019