This portal tries to centralize Debian LDAP documentation. LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol and is a protocol for querying a directory (database). However, the term is often used to refer to LDAP as if it were the database and protocol both.

Howto/Client Certificate Authentication with LDAP - FreeIPA This is necessary because the DS apparently does not check the revocation status of the certificate. Having revoked it, I can still use it to access the ldap server. Removing the ldap value of seeAlso solves this problem. Author. Howto provided by Natxo Asenjo on freeipa-users. OpenLDAP Faq-O-Matic: How do I use TLS/SSL? OpenLDAP Faq-O-Matic: OpenLDAP Software FAQ: Configuration: How do I use TLS/SSL?: Transport Layer Security (TLS) is the standard name for the Secure Socket Layer (SSL). The terms (unless qualified with specific version numbers) are generally interchangable. StartTLS is the name of the standard LDAP operation for initiating TLS/SSL. TLS/SSL is initiated upon successful completion of this LDAP Configuring Apache Guacamole with LDAP and 2FA – Infosec

LDAP Configuration on Windows Server - YouTube

LDAP Authentication In Linux - HowtoForge Nov 10, 2018

May 01, 2020

Postfix LDAP Howto. LDAP Support in Postfix. Postfix can use an LDAP directory as a source for any of its lookups: aliases(5), virtual(5), canonical(5), etc. This allows you to keep information for your mail service in a replicated network database with fine-grained access controls. By not storing it locally on the mail server, the LDAP Configuration Issues | ldap directory user: cn=username with read rights,cn=Users,dc=institution,dc=edu ldap attribute containing first name: givenName ldap attribute containing last name: sN. path like “cn=Users,dc=institution,dc=edu” your system administrator can always view in … Configure OpenLDAP Client on Debian 9 Stretch - Set the distinguished name of the LDAP search base. Specify LDAP protocol version. Set the LDAP administrator suffix. Enter the LDAP admin account password for libnss-ldap LDAP authentication. On nsswitch configuration, select Ok and press Enter to proceed. We will configure nsswitch later. Allow LDAP admin account to assume local root behavior. LDAP Directory - Snom Service Hub